→ NEO Personality Test Coaching Tool
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→ Hogan Personality Test Coaching Tool
Make the right decision in management development with Hogan LFS
Which employees are suited for the next career move? Who measures up to the requirements of leadership? Which employees are the best fit for existing or new teams? The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series package will answer these questions. The package is based on the three online assessments HPI, HDS and MVPI, which the candidates undergo beforehand. The detailed and clearly structured result report supports your decision-making and backs it up with scientific data.
Contents of the LFS package
The package consists of the following online assessments:
- HPI (Hogan Personality Inventory): Measures a person’s potentials and strengths, but also required developments as an executive.
- HDS (Hogan Development Survey): Analyzes people’s behavior in pressure situations such as stress or extreme boredom.
- MVPI (Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory): Describes a person’s values, drivers and interests as well as his or her preferred type of cooperation.
The results of each assessment are explained in detail in three reports, and recommendations are provided, e.g. how potential executives could lead their employees more effectively. To compile the results, including all dimensions and subscales, the package also contains the flash report, the graphical overview and the summary. The flash report helps to compare candidates in no time.
Who is the LFS package suitable for?
The package aims to substantiate decisions regarding executive development or team composition based on its results. Consequently, it is aimed at HR managers from these divisions. In addition to an employee’s previous performance, the assessment and prediction of his or her performance in the future is just as important. The LFS series by Hogan Assessments is especially suited for this purpose. Furthermore, recommended action provides specific support in employee development. You can pass this on directly to your staff or derive suitable measures. It is also possible to effectively compile teams with the LFS package. This is why the Hogan tests from the Leadership Forecast Series are also aimed at executives and team leads wishing to increase their team’s effectiveness.
Personality plays a crucial role when it comes to selecting and developing personnel, as personality traits not only determine how we behave at the workplace and towards team members, but also which tasks we prefer and which companies we feel comfortable working for. The Hogan tests take three aspects of personality into account: potentials, risks and personal values. All procedures are based on decades of research and, among others, refer to the five factors model (FFM), which is considered a reference model for personality psychology.
The Hogan personality tests are exceptional, as they factor in external perception, meaning a person’s reputation and how they are perceived by superiors, co-workers, customers, etc., adding a high degree of validity. All three procedures can also be used independently.
→ International Profiler Coaching
What is it?
» Download sample profiler
The International Profiler is a questionnaire and feedback process that has been developed to help managers and professionals reflect on where their skills are (and where they may be lacking skills) in working internationally. It also helps raise awareness of potential areas in which they may require future development, and suggest actions they can take to fill the gaps.
How does it work?
The international Profiler provides feedback on a set of 10 competencies (with 22 associated skills attitudes & areas of knowledge) that define the special capabilities required to transfer leadership, managerial and professional skills to the international context. The competencies have been derived from research in the multi-cultural field and the practical experience of people working in international roles. The International Profiler is a psychometric questionnaire that provides individuals with structured feedback in terms of energy, emphasis & attention they typically bring to each of the competency sets. All the individual needs to do to initiate this process is to fill in the International Profiler questionnaire that takes about 20-45 minutes. The questionnaire can be completed and scored on the web or in hard copy version.
When should The International Profiler be used?
TIP is equally suitable for people with extensive international experience, & those about to embark on an international role. Typical candidates include: . Managers leading, or participating in, international teams . Specialists sitting on international committees . Managers operating in multi-cultural workplaces . Managers and professionals dealing with the consequences of cross-boarder mergers/acquisitions . Professionals with international business careers . International project managers . Managers integrating operations across national boundaries . Key support staff co-ordinating and communicating across culture.
What are the benefits for the individual manager?
The International Profiler is not a prescriptive tool. It is the basis for a structured exploration of an individual’s competency requirements, and thus is developmental. It helps managers to understand the extra and enhanced qualities they require for personal success at an international level. It can be used to identify and address the particular development needs they require to:
1. Take on a specific new international role
2. Build an international career
3. Work more effectively with colleagues in an international team
4. Build productive relationships with new partners in unfamiliar cultural contexts.
What are the benefits at an organisational level?
For the organisation the Profiler can:
1. Reduce the personal and organisational trauma of inappropriate appointments.
2. Avoid miscommunication and mistrust in critical business relationships.
3. Audit experience and capabilities for working across cultures.
4. Provide individual development plans and group training solutions that are specifically adapted to the demands of a multi-national business environment.