– A Methodology of Two Principles and Six Practices for Making A World of Difference

» See article – 
The Perfect Match.
 Personal Leadership
at Esalen Institute, California!

Personal Leadership
at Esalen Institute, California!
Personal Leadership is a methodology of two principles and six practices designed to help us stay connected to our wisdom and inspiration especially when faced with the new and unfamiliar.
The new and unfamiliar happens in many contexts, for example: as we engage in personal and/or professional change or transition; as we live and work across cultures, whether internationally or domestically; and as we lead business initiatives, guiding others toward maximal effectiveness in very diverse contexts.

The methodology has been called a ‚do it yourself‘ approach to developing human consciousness. It is named ‚Personal Leadership‘ because, whether or not we formally lead others, we begin with leading ourselves. We engage the unfamiliar by choosing a personal internal state of being that is energizing and enlivening. The two principles, the six practices, and a process technology, The Critical Moment Dialogue, guide us in committing to this embodied experience. With such commitment as a foundation, we can then:

discern our ‚right action‘ for the particular time and place in which we find ourselves
sustain high levels of motivation and commitment, with more ease
engage challenging situations with curiosity rather than fear
generate options for action where previously stuck
disentangle from habits and our ‚default‘ reactions so we may maximize authentic behaviors

Angeles Arrien, author of The Four-Fold Way, says that Personal Leadership’s principles and practices „are invaluable resources for applying leadership skills, in any local, national and international contexts. Rarely do you come across information and practices that are immediately useable and universally applicable.“

As a participant in this workshop you will engage with the two principles and six practices that form the Personal Leadership framework, and will rigorously apply them to your own specific situations through the powerful process technology of ‚The Critical Moment Dialogue.‘ You will come to understand the theoretical foundations of Personal Leadership in whole-person self-development, in global leadership development, and in approaches to cross-cultural communication. Focusing on individual interests and engaging our collective creativity, the workshop will include content-focused discussions and integrative conversations as well as opportunities for quiet reflection.

This methodology has been developed and applied over the last 15 years and is used in a wide variety of contexts including global business, international education, teambuilding, community building, international cooperation and global leadership development.